Rev. Fr. Milton Gianulis, Presiding Priest


Voice: (757) 220-0994
Email: Father Gianulis

Fr. Gianulis is an ordained priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He was ordained a deacon in Lancaster, PA, on Oct. 7, 1979; and a priest in Denver, CO, on July 13, 1980. Upon his retirement from the Navy on January 1, 2015, he was assigned as the Presiding Priest to St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Williamsburg, VA.

He completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree at Hellenic College in 1976, completed course work for a Masters of Arts degree in Religious Studies from the University of Denver in 1977, and was awarded a Masters of Divinity degree from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Theological School in 1980. He completed advanced studies for a Doctor of Education (ABD) at Loyola University of Chicago. 

Fr. Gianulis received a commission in the Chaplain Corps, United States Naval Reserve, on January 6, 1989.  He acceded to active duty in September 1994. His Navy career included tours with both the Navy and Marine Corps, to include three Navy sea tours, six tours with the Marine Corps, and three war zone deployments (OIF/OEF). While the Command Chaplain in the USS IWO JIMA, he was part of the operations for Joint Task Force Katrina/Rita (hurricane relief and recovery) and Joint Task Force Lebanon (evacuation of U.S. citizens). He completed his Navy career as the Command Chaplain for the Marine Corps Training and Education Command, supervising the Religious Ministry Teams for all Marine Corps boot camps, secondary schools, combat training centers and the Marine Corps University. He retired from the Navy in 2015 as a Captain.

His personal awards include a Legion of Merit, three Meritorious Service Medals, a Joint Service Commendation Medal, three Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Fleet Marine Force Service Medal and two Humanitarian Service Medals.

As a parish priest, Father Gianulis has served a variety of parishes prior to his commission and as a substitute priest in various parishes while on active duty.

Father Gianulis is 70 years old, married to the former Constance M. Manuel of Lancaster, PA.  They have four daughters, Stephania Charalambides, Dr. Elena Bruno, Marianthi Gianulis and Jamie Gianulis; and nine grandchildren.