Stewardship 2025

2019 Stewardship Banner

In Service to God

Are you a contributing member of the body of Christ? Are you actively serving God and sharing Him with others? Are you contributing to peace and unity within His body? Do you worship regularly? Take a moment to evaluate your life in light of these principles.

Giving to the Church is an opportunity – an opportunity to examine our priorities and values. It is an opportunity to express our thankfulness, to give of ourselves and to grow in grace. It is an opportunity to participate in the work of God. Come and see what we can do together with your support.

  • Teach our children about our faith
  • Learn the Greek language and celebrate our culture and traditions
  • Better understand the word of God in bible study, Orthodoxy 101 & adult Church School
  • Practice our faith through supporting community charities
  • Worship together in a beautiful sanctuary
  • Celebrate life events
  • Comfort and be comforted

Becoming a steward

We are called to apply our gifts, training, abilities, education and skills to the tasks that God places before us. If we do this humbly and prayerfully, the body of Christ will function to its full potential.

St. Demetrios is a stewardship parish there is no minimum dollar commitment to be considered a member of the parish.  We do ask that you prayerfully consider your annual commitment and be generous with your time, talents, and treasure.  We are a small community that is deeply thankful for your donations and grateful for your willingness to volunteer.

 Click here for your commitment card


In I Corinthians 16:2 we read “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his/her income.” Regular stewardship contributions are easier to manage and keep the Church and her ministries in our thoughts and plans. One way to do this is through automatically scheduled payments sent directly from your bank. In this way, we offer back to God the “first fruits” of our labor, realizing that all we possess comes from Him.

If you would like a set of envelopes to assist in remembering your commitment status make sure to check the "send envelope" box on your commitment card.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member of the parish?

Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at baptism (Chrismation for some) and continues throughout our life. We are united with Christ through the sacraments, or mysteries, of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. Our Archdiocese requires each parish to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. A voting member is over 18 years of age and turns in a signed stewardship commitment card, committing a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church. The Archdiocese also requires the voting member to remain current through the year on their commitments. Keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church.

Why must I commit to give a specific amount?

Please keep in mind that your stewardship of money is kept in the strictest of confidence. However, we do compile the amounts anticipated to better plan our budget.

What if I cannot fulfill my stewardship commitment?

During the course of a year, people’s circumstances change. Your stewardship is valued because it is made out fo your love for God and His Church. Please do not be concerned if you are unable to meet your stewardship commitment – we are glad you are a part of this parish.

Can I make my stewardship pledge online and donate regularly online?

Yes. Go to the "Donate On Line" button on the right column of the home page and follow the instructions. We use Pay Pal or your credit card. Also on the home page is a button just below this that accesses a Stewardship Pledge card. You may download this and fill it out for our records of your stewardship pledge. Thank you for your "cheerful giving" to St. Demetrios.